Monday, March 21, 2011

Ni Hao!

Ni Hao!
I just lost five minutes of my time because my computer shut off.  Sweet. 
This has definitely been the most difficult week here so far.  Emotions are running high with everyone.  I am realizing that the MTC magnifies emotions, the good ones and the bad ones.  Sister Jorgensen is sick with an ear infection, and a virus similar to mono.  I fell an hit my head really hard at the beginning of the week.  They thought I might have a concussion, but I am okay.  The extent of my injuries were a goose egg, that is still here, a spliting headache for 4 days, nausea, and extreme fatigue.  I am doing okay now.  It has been hard because Sis. J and my schedule has been really messed up.  We have missed a lot of class with her needing to rest, and we have had at least 7 doctors appointments to interrupt our week.  Because of this, we had felt really unprepared and behind with Chinese and our lesson for TRC.  The Lord has given us a tender mercy!  Somehow, what Chinese normally takes a week to learn, I learned in about an hour.  Our lesson went really well, and it was a spiritual experience.  The Lord really blessed us.  It reminded me that the Lord is mindful of everyone's individual circumstances, and he loves us.  And also, it is not always about us, the missionaries.  The Lord is mindful of the people who are seeking the truth, and as missionaries, we are instruments in the hands of the Lord.  As long as we heed the promptings of the Spirit, he will use us to help others come unto Christ.  Qian Laoshi told us that God gives us trials in the MTC, so that we will be ready in the feild, so that we can help specific people in the feild.  That really helped me to take my trials and look at them in a different light. 
I went to the Physical Therapist the other day for my foot that I hurt in Alishan.  It happened to be the father of Sis. J's fiance.  We didn't plan that.  Hehe!  I got to call mom that day to ask for insurance info.  That was really cool, but I felt weird because I wasn't sure what I was allowed to say, and if I could ask about anything besides what I needed.  Being at the PT was actually kind of fun.  He felt my feet, watched me walk and diagnosed me with a plantar fasciitis.  He said that I also walk wrong, and it is causing all sorts of problems with my alignment, foot, ankle, hips, and back.  I am trying to retrain myself now.  He also took a cast of my feet and it getting orthotics made for me.  I feel like I am too young for feet problems.  Haha!  He also gave me exercises to do to strengthen the right muscles in my legs and ankles.  P.S.  It has been warmer here lately, and I started to wear my cute crocs.  They are sooooooo comfortable!  It feels like I am wearing slippers. 
On Friday, I got interviewed on camera for a reality show/documentary about missionaries.  That was a cool experience.  I hope they use my clips.  The show will probably be on BYUTV and will air in about a year. 
The older group of Chinese missionaries are leaving tomorrow, and so Sister J. and I got called as the Music Coordinators in my branch.  Yea!
Yes, Perry, they still tell us to SYL (Speak Your (Mission) Language).  I have stepped up my game and it is helping my Chinese a lot. 
I have a new departure date for New York.  I am now going to be in the MTC until May 10, 2011.  This way, I can go to NY with all the other missionaries from other language programs. 
I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to be a missionary.  The is best thing that I have ever done and I know that the Lord is blessing me constantly.  I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each and everyone of us, so that we can be happy, learn and grow, and return to live with him someday.  Come unto Christ is the way that we can do that.  Thank you everyone for your letters and support. is great!
I love you!
Sister Yancey
Yan Jiemei

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