Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Another great week in Chinatown!

Hey everybody! 
It has been another great week in Chinatown. 
Last week on P-day, we went to the American Museum of Natual History.  It was really cool, and reminded me of "Night at the Museum."  I got a picture with a Moai, a big stone head statue thing.  Cool!  I will probably go back again.  The museum was so big, and we didn't get to everything.
We have two new investigators this week.  One's name is Yu Wen and he is Zheng Hui's uncle.  We met him on the street contacting a couple weeks ago.  He is in his late 30's.  He is here alone.  The rest of his family is still in China.  He is pretty special.  When we told him about Joseph Smith's First Vision, he accepted it and believed it immediately.  He said he previously was hospitalized for the removal of a tumor on his brain.  While he was in the hospital, he fell into a coma for about 3 days.  He said that while he was in the coma, he had a dream that he talked to God and Jesus Christ.  From that point on he had faith that there is a loving Heavenly Father and that Jesus Christ is our Savior.  He said he finally knew it in his heart.  He said that while he was in the hospital, he got baptized into a Christian church, but he didn't feel like it was real.  He says that everything we teach him makes so much sense.  He is really great!  We now have our first investigator with a baptismal date!  June 26th!  Yea!  I really excited for him!
 Lin Xiu Mei is the other new investigator.  We have now met with her twice.  She is about 21.  She is pretty great too!  She actually called us randomly on our cell phone while we contacting.  Our phone number is on all of our pass along cards.  She is Christian, but was baptized in another church.  She is really interested in the Bible, so we watched "Finding Faith in Christ" with her.  She loved it, so we gave her a copy of the DVD.  Also, we asked her how she feels when she prays.  She got the biggest smile on her face and said she couldn't describe the feeling.  We told her that the feeling is called Shengling (the Spirit).  I am really excited for her too!
We had a special public affairs zone meeting yesterday. Starting on June 13-September 26, the church is going to be an ad campaign in New York, for  If you have never seen it, I encourage you to check it out.  It's pretty cool.  There is going to be a large digital billboard in Times Square with a 30 second video feed.  There will be 11,000 taxis with the ad, and 200 with the video ad.  And there will be 3 Subway cars, that run in Rush hour, devoted entirely to the ad.  There won't be any other ads in those cars. I am pretty excited.  Missionaries do not proselyte in Times Square usually, but during this time period, we will be able to.  That would be so cool!  I love what the Church is doing to spread awareness.
Now for a spiritual thought.  I liked this from my Mission President:
"I love the teaching and wise insight of Samuel the Lamanite.  From his words in chapter 13 of Helaman has come some of the best advice I have received in life.  Two of the things I have come to know:
As we look back with hindsight at what we consider the mistakes and poor behavior of others, it is always easy to say to ourselves: "I would never have done that."  Don't be so sure.  In our moments of temptation and trials, we may discover, as Samuel described, that "we are worse than they" v. 26.  Learn from the past. Don't readily dismiss it as something that will never apply to you.
Beware of those who seek to flatter you - especially for your behavior which is contrary to direction and counsel from our prophets and Church leaders.  It is very alluring to follow those who suggest that you should "do whatsoever your heart desireth" or, "Do this, and there is no iniquity; do that and ye shall not suffer"   If we choose to embrace those giving such support, we will find ourselves "walking after the pride of your own hearts." (v. 27)  Following such a path will lead to the loss of many precious blessings."
I love you all!  Thank you so much for your support!
Sister Yancey

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